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Sep 20, 2021

As circus artists, do we NEED social media in our lives? That’s the question this interview with Shante Coefield, physical therapist turned online entrepreneur, seeks to answer on this episode. Plenty of actionable tips and tricks to grow your social media presence in this episode (if that’s what you WANT to do.)


Please won’t you be a Patreon?:

This podcast is dedicated to CIRCUS. Aerialist, Shannon McKenna interviews guests from acrobats in Cirque du Soleil to circus therapists and everyone in between. Learn the backstage lives of those who flip, twist, sparkle, and shine under the big top.


Find her online:

Facebook: theartistathlete

IG: @the_artist_athlete


Books by White Guys that Shante mentions:

Steven Pressfield

Seth Godin

James Clear